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Connaught Houses

We have 4 houses at Connaught Junior School Corinthians (Yellow), Spartans (Red), Athenians (Green) and Trojans (Blue). You can tell which house a child is in by the colour of the stripe in their tie.

The children are all allocated a house on arrival in Year 3 and remain in that house until they leave us in Year 6. There is a healthy sense of competition between the children in each house, with many inter-house competitions throughout the year.

House Captains

House captains at Connaught play important leadership roles at our school. They represent their houses and can be picked out by their ties, which have a slightly thicker stripe than the regular ties. House points are collected from classes weekly by our House Captains, and the winning house is announced in our celebration assembly on a Friday. The house cup is presented to the winning house.


House Captains


Matthew Tilly Emily  


Livia Amy Violet Lexie


  Sophia Eva Jibril Ellie-Mae


Rebecca Lottie Grace  


Sports Captains

The Sports Captains’ role in the promotion of the Spirit of the Games values keeps the profile high, running alongside Connaught’s core values and the BLP muscles already embedded. Sports Captains also run sports activities at playtimes to encourage team work and collaboration. The annual Sports Day is a big sporting event in the Connaught calendar and a great celebration of sport at our school.



Sports Captains


Adi Alice Erica  


Joseph Charlie Alice Elyse


Jacob Zak Ella  


Ryan Huw Phoebe Maxi


Leader in Me Captains

Lizzie Alena Matilda
Bella Max Harriet
Barney Kristen Tobi
Ollie Olivia Ruby


Captain's roles and responsibilities 

Our captains not only represent their house, they take on other leadership responsibilities. 

Prospective parents - when a tour is completed for prospective parents, our captains have an important role of ensuring the pupil voice is heard.   They support a senior member of staff in promoting the school and ensuring we share everything there is to know about Connaught.  

House competitions - each term, the captains take it in turns to deliver competitions to the whole school.  Some of the competitions have been A great Connaught bake off, drawing , colouring, designing to name a few.  

Assembly - In our star of the week assembly, the captains take it in turns to present the certificates to our children.  

Podcasts - More recently, the children have enjoyed completing podcasts to share with our whole school community.