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Home Learning


Week Commencing 24th March 2025

Year 3



Read at least 5 times before next Monday.

Find three pronouns in your reading book, e.g. he, she, it, they, my, mine, ours.


In your blue books, complete the Maths arithmetic questions.


Why is it important to show empathy towards others?


Log into Spelling Shed and practise your spellings on the assignment you have been set.

You can take the test from Wednesday but it must be done by Friday.

Times Tables

Practise your times tables. Complete 25 minutes of TTRS each week. See if you can beat any of your previous scores and make it on to the Year 4 leader board!

Maths homework


Year 4



Read at least 5 times before next Monday.

Must be signed by an adult.


In your blue books, complete the Maths arithmetic questions.


Why is it important to show empathy towards others?


Log into Spelling Shed and practise your spellings on the assignment you have been set.

You can take the test from Wednesday but it must be done by Friday.

Times Tables

Practise your times tables. Complete 25 minutes of TTRS each week. See if you can beat any of your previous scores and make it on to the Year 4 leader board!

Maths homework


Year 5


Reading & SPaG

You should be reading everyday – do not worry about recording the pages that you have read… enjoy the book instead!

You should be able to read 160 words aloud per minute.

Complete the apostrophes sheet


Complete the ‘fractions, decimals and percentages’ table and then have a go at the second question using the < = > signs to make the number sentences make sense.


Why is it important to show empathy towards others?

Times Tables

Practise your times tables on Times Table Rocks Stars. Aim for at least 30 minutes per week.


Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed. Aim for 30 minutes per week.


The theme of the week is empathy. The word of the week is empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

No Forest school this week. Forest School is still recovering.

Spellings this week are homophones again: wary, principal, stationery, complement, compliment, cereal, principle, serial, stationary, weary.

Maths homework

SPaG homework


Year 6

Residential and Alternative Experience week.  Have fun everyone