Home Learning
Week Commencing 24th March 2025
Year 3
Reading |
Read at least 5 times before next Monday. Find three pronouns in your reading book, e.g. he, she, it, they, my, mine, ours. |
Maths |
In your blue books, complete the Maths arithmetic questions. |
Talk |
Why is it important to show empathy towards others? |
Spellings |
Log into Spelling Shed and practise your spellings on the assignment you have been set. You can take the test from Wednesday but it must be done by Friday. |
Times Tables |
Practise your times tables. Complete 25 minutes of TTRS each week. See if you can beat any of your previous scores and make it on to the Year 4 leader board! |
Year 4
Reading |
Read at least 5 times before next Monday. Must be signed by an adult. |
Maths |
In your blue books, complete the Maths arithmetic questions. |
Talk |
Why is it important to show empathy towards others? |
Spellings |
Log into Spelling Shed and practise your spellings on the assignment you have been set. You can take the test from Wednesday but it must be done by Friday. |
Times Tables |
Practise your times tables. Complete 25 minutes of TTRS each week. See if you can beat any of your previous scores and make it on to the Year 4 leader board! |
Year 5
Reading & SPaG |
You should be reading everyday – do not worry about recording the pages that you have read… enjoy the book instead! You should be able to read 160 words aloud per minute. Complete the apostrophes sheet |
Maths |
Complete the ‘fractions, decimals and percentages’ table and then have a go at the second question using the < = > signs to make the number sentences make sense. |
Talk |
Why is it important to show empathy towards others? |
Times Tables |
Practise your times tables on Times Table Rocks Stars. Aim for at least 30 minutes per week. |
Spellings |
Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed. Aim for 30 minutes per week. |
Notes |
The theme of the week is empathy. The word of the week is empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. No Forest school this week. Forest School is still recovering. Spellings this week are homophones again: wary, principal, stationery, complement, compliment, cereal, principle, serial, stationary, weary. |
Year 6
Residential and Alternative Experience week. Have fun everyone