Please see below a list of approved snacks that the children can bring in to keep them going until lunchtime.
There must be no nuts (peanuts or tree nuts) or nut products.
- Fruit (either a whole piece or sliced up and in a plastic container. Grapes must be sliced length ways in half.) Bear products are now permitted.
- Vegetables (eg. Celery sticks, sliced cucumber, carrot sticks, etc.)
- Bread sticks/pitta bread/rice or oatcakes/crackers (+ dip is also allowed)
- A plain biscuit (eg. digestive or rich tea – no chocolate coating)
- Cereal/breakfast bar – no nuts or chocolate chips
- Dried fruit (eg. Raisins, bananas, mango)
- Crackers/Cheddars
- Cheese cut into cubes or BabyBel
- Plain popcorn (not Butterkist and toffee/caramel flavour)
- Soreen bars (Not the chocolate variety and no other cakes or cake bars are permitted)